Thursday, April 10, 2008

Mariah DOSEN'T Give Back

Last night I was watching the American Idol Gives Back show. I really think it's a great yearly thing they are doing now. It's the most watched television show and it draws in millions of viewers and I think it's great that the show is trying to "give back" so to say. MOST of the celebrities that are on the show are truly inspiring and I applaud them for doing what they can do to raise money and raise awareness about people in need all over the world.

Watching the show last night I saw Alicia Keys, Annie Lennox, Bono, Celine Dion, Forrest Whitaker and so many other celebrates in the trenches in Africa in the poverty, in the hell and they were so compassionate and you could see and feel their emotion and it was very moving. Guess what!?? Guess who you didn’t see in Africa. You, you guessed it - Mariah Carey. This bitch would NEVER EVER go there. It's not even a thought in her mind to actually go to Africa and witness the poverty, to actually get "dirty" and help out other people less fortunate than herself. Because really, it's al about Mariah and her life, her world. ME ME ME ME!! MARIAH! I have 18 number one singles blah blah blah. The stupid fucking cunt was the last to sing on the show and she BARELY even said anything regarding the point of the show. I barely heard her say please give or something. P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C! She should be ashamed of herself.

Don’t forget where you came from Mariah, you came from poverty yourself. All I have to say is what comes around goes around and I would bet my life it that someday, somehow, Mariah will get hers.

Ungrateful bitch!

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